Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy, But Fun Weekend!!

On Thursday evening, I was thinking about my busy weekend and was wondering if I was going to make it with all of the mommy activities I had committed to, but I made it and it was wonderful!

On Friday, we had our annual read-a-thon at school and right after school we had Girl Scout and a Centennial football game. We didn't get home until late, but we didn't let that ruin the next day.

On Saturday, we had soccer at 8 o'clock in the morning and then the school carnival. I worked for about 3 hours while Kalena visited booths and hung out with some friends. Kulia and I worked on top of the large, inflatable slide, and let the kids know when it was okay to go down which is what we were doing in the picture. It was about 105 degrees and after 3 hours I was exhausted, but that didn't stop us. We rushed home to take showers and get ready for Mom's house for Ron's Birthday dinner. Chad and his new girlfriend, Shelly, made us all dinner and it was delicious. Mom kept Kulia for the night and Kalena went home with my sister. Kunane and I headed home for an evening alone. The funny thing is, we stopped by TGI Fridays for a drink, wanting to enjoy adult time, but we were both so tired right after we order we said we were too tired to stay and headed home. So much for some adult time with each other!

On Sunday morning, I got up at 7:00 and headed for the Race for the Cure. Every year, Mom, Kelley, the girls and I walk together to celebrate my mom's 18 years of survival. This year my dear friend, Vicki, joined us and it was a blast. After the race we headed for Coco's for lunch. It was great to celebrate with both Mom and Vicki and spend some girl time together. I am so thankful they are both still part of my life. Before we even got to the freeway both girls, Kulia and Kalena, were fast asleep in the car. I was tired for the busy weekend, so I know they were wiped out. I look back on these weekend and feel so thankful for the many people we spend time with and the activities we are able to do as a family. I am truly blessed!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Here are some pictures of my superstar, Kalena, playing soccer. She is really having fun again this season. She has been playing goalie the last few games and seem to really enjoy it. She is not afraid to go after a ball and get it back out into play quickly. Kulia is enjoying being the "assistant, assistant, coach". She loves to practice with the girls and kick the ball around. When it is her turn to play, next year, she is going to do fantastic!

We had a great weekend this weekend! We spent Friday at Kunane's football game against Mater Dei, which unfortunately ended up in a loss for the Huskies...1st time in 2 years and it was hard to swallow. Then Saturday Kalena had a soccer game and played really well. Blind Fury won (even though we aren't suppose to keep score but we do). We went to dinner at a friends house and the kids had a blast swimming and dancing. Then we spent half of the day today at Disneyland with Mom. It truly is the "happiest place on earth". We have annual passes, so it was great to go for a few hours and then head home. I really love watching the girls see the characters and have fun on the rides. I love the weekends with the family, but only wish they were longer!

Super Bowl Sunday-February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday-February 1, 2009
Family Picture at Danny and Heather's